Cars from the USA, Canada, China and Korea
- Choose from over 200,000 Used, Salvage, Wholesale and Repairable Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Boats for Sale, and other equipment
- World wide shipping: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia
- Copart, IAAI, Manheim: No licence required
Shipping cost calculator
- Cost of shipping: $0 (USD)
- Time of shipping: 0 (days)
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About AutionAutoTrade
How it work
HOW to buy?
Winning the auction
After winning the auction, the won car will appear in your personal account, section “Bets”, tab “Won”. An invoice for payment will be attached to it. A notification will also be sent to your email. Payment must be made within 3 days, in order to avoid the imposition of penalties by the auction (Copart, Iaai, Manheim, etc.)
After payment, title deeds for the vehicle will be sent by auction (Copart, Iaai, Manheim, etc.) to the AuctionAutoTrade office, and you will also receive a notification.
Worldwide shipping costs for Copart and IaaI sites can be found using our shipping calculator. Manage delivery with your account. Choose a port of destination, or a US state and we will do everything for you.